Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Place Called X-VILLE

X-VILLE is an unknown zone where weird creatures, characters and scenes seem to be a quirky mix of the future and the past. Also, it was the place that I put my most concentrated effort in the painterly arts. I paint using oils, average size of the pieces is 16x20, all have been sold.

WELCOME TO YOUR NEW APARTMENT - 1986 - Includes free electricity!

A FEW MORE MONKEYS SHOULD DO THE TRICK - 1985 - This amateur scientist has a hunch!

MARTIAN MUMMY vs EARTH DOG - 1993 - This little terrier is ruining the Martian Mummy's invasion plans by barking!

VISITING THE BATT FAMILY - 2004 - That Harley Batt is one mean sumbitch!..

MR. ZOMBIE HEAD SPEAKS - 1989 - It's the political season in post world Arizona!

FREAKS FROM THE HILLS - 2002 - Looks like you took the wrong turn somewhere along the line!

X-27 & X-252 - 1987 - Secret shadow government operatives discuss which bar to go to after a fulfilling day of sabotage and murder...

WHOTTA CITY! - 1992 - That's what I love about this place!

LAB X-13 - 1987 - WHAT THE?!..

WELCOME TO EARTH, SPACEMAN! - 1985 - Our greeting to this alien from outer space!

3 AM CREEP - 1986 - Who can really say as to what's out there creeping around at 3 AM in the morning?

LOOKING FOR GEORGE - 1986 - "I don't know!.. Leave us alone, good night!!"

GIANT GREEN THING STRIKES BACK - 1986 - The CIA can't control this monster they created at good old Plum Island!

GOIN' OUT - 1987 - In the future, this is what you'll have to do if you want to go dancing!

LOOKING FOR EARTH - 2003 - This psycho robot is searching for a planet by tracing the TV signals it emits!

GIANT GREEN THING - 2004 - Likes to roam distant planets.

TWO FLOATING FREAKS - 2006 - Beware their stare!

MS. GENTETIC EXPERIMENT #338 - 1986 - Speaks for itself.

THE NUCLEAR KNUCKLEHEADS - 1998 - Leading the cheers at an atomic fireworks display!

DREAMLAND BREACH - 1992 - Top Secret Compound taken over by Kronos Overlords.

VICTORY FLYBY - 1987 - Wheeeee!..

ONE SMART BOMB - 1989 - The bomb knows exactly where to go!

MIDNIGHT SWAMP CRITTERS - 2003 - You never know what you might find in the swamp late at night.

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